KCG - your "go-to" resource in an ever evolving analyst and influencer landscape

The Knowledge Capital Group (KCG), based in Austin, TX,  has been helping leading Technology Vendors from around the globe leverage AR to increase their global sales for OVER 25 years.

More than 500 companies and 3,000 individuals have worked with KCG to:

  • decipher the analyst firm landscape and understand the four archetypes
  • identify the key analysts and build high value contracts to access them
  • leverage relationships and increase positive research mentions 
  • improve scores and enhance positions in signature research
  • identify, buy and leverage analyst sourced marketing assets


Our industry standard training/certification and our best-selling book on AR cement our position as THE globally recognized experts. In an analyst ecosystem now dominated by Gartner, significantly different strategies and tactics are becoming vital. KCG has the perspective to help our clients deploy them. Our KCG Essentials service is providing key support to many top vendor's AR efforts.

KCG Launches a major new CIO survey initiative.
Who do they trust, read and pay for buyer advice?

For information on setting up YOUR custom link contact KCG now.

Free KCG White Papers

Refresh your expertise AND win support for AR department objectives with these executive level Analyst Relations white papers

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Free KCG AR Audit

8 facets of your AR program will be measured and compared to industry norms during a structured, one-hour conference call during

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Free KCG Webinars

Multiple subjects every month - check the schedule here

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Influencing the Influencers

KCG Publications – KCG’s Industry Recognized Analyst Relations Methodology – In a book! “Influencing the Influencers” – Best Practices for Building Valuable Relationships with Technology Industry Analysts

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Free KCG AR Clinic

A free half hour inquiry call with a KCG Partner to discuss any subject

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KCG AR Department Survey (ARDS) 2021 NOW OPEN - Complete our Annual survey

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KCG Client Testimonials — Our world leading AR Clients Speak for Themselves

“KCG’s ability to get their heads around the intricacies of our markets and how the analysts affect them is worth its weight in gold. “

“Very knowledgeable team and great insight into how to get maximum return on one’s investments in analyst relations”

“KCG certainly has their ‘finger on the pulse’ of analyst relations.”

“Their insights – based on decades of experience – will clearly provide us with a significant return on the investment we made with KCG.”